Q. You spoke about Universal brotherhood, but if a non-muslim boy, will marry a muslim girl… no one will tolerate – Where does universal brotherhood go?

A. (by #DrZakirNaik): It’s a very  good question asked by the brother -that no one will agree, that a non-muslim person marries a muslim person -where does Universal brotherhood, go? It is like you asking me -that we will make a car, in which one  tyre… is a cycle tyre, and the other is a truck tyre -how will the  car run?… how will the car run? See…the way of life should  be same -Wife is a life partner. In Islam, Qur’an says that…The marriage is a ‘Misaak’… sacred covenant… is a sacred covenant. It’s not like… that she becomes your slave. It’s a sacred covenant – Both have equal rights, on to one another. If the way of life is different, one person will say that… I  will  go to the church this day -and one person will say…I  will go to the Mosque -and they start worshiping different  things. Then it will not be a good vehicle -the vehicle can’t run. So for the family to run good, both should have the same philosophy -its very important. If they have different philosophies, it will surely won’t run. Therefore I said, that Islam believes in Universal  brotherhood… all the humans, are my brothers. But the muslims are my brothers in faith. See… you have different Christians . A Christian also… if that Christian doesn’t agree with your view, you will even not marry that Christian. A Christian that doesn’t agree with your Christian  philosophy…you will not marry that Christian also. Because the philosophy of both the life partners should be same – then it will be a very smooth sailing. If the philosophy will differ, it will be like a cycle tyre and a truck tyre -the vehicle will not go. That is the reason why,  the philosophy and  way of life, of both the partners, should be same.

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